Flores is one of the beautiful God’s creature on earth. On this island you will find many things and that can be the Nature, Culture also the People of the island. One of the beautiful place on this island is Kelimutu National Park which is popular within 3 colors Lake.

Kelimutu is one of the most beautiful lakes in Indonesia, situated in Flores Island. The lake, which is located on the top of Kelimutu mount, consists of three lakes that have different water colors.

The three lakes at the summit of Mount Kelimutu are the Tiwu Ata Mbupu (blackish blue), the Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo (tosca green) and the Tiwu Ata Polo (brownish black).


kelimutu lakes tour

Credit: Trip canvas

Unlike most other lake that become tourist attraction, Kelimutu lake tour can be enjoyed visually only.  At Lake Kelimutu, you will be presented with a view of three different colored lakes. The best time to visit this Lakes is in the  morning time.

Not only that, around this lake area, you will presented with a natural landscape of a variety of plants and also wildlife that live around the Kelimutu mountain.

Location Access

kelimutu location access

Credit: The Blonde Abroad


Kelimutu Volcanic Lake is located within the Kelimutu National Park which is on the border of Bali and Nusa Tenggara area. The geographical position of the National Park itself is in Ende Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province.

To reach the Kelimutu Lake, you can depart from the Moni Village which is located in the Kelimutu National Park. From the Moni village you will drive to the lake or walk for approximately 2 to 3 hours. Early morning is the best time to visit Kelimutu Lake, in which you can catch with the beautiful sunrise on the top of the Mountain with the beautiful of Lake view.

Magical Kelimutu Lakes

the magical of kelimutu lakes

Credit: Trip Zilla

Visitors must climb as far as two and a half kilometers before they can reach the summit of Kelimutu. But after long journey, you will be presented with extraordinary scenery. Three massive lakes with different colors. The view is very stunning, especially when the sun rises.

Each lake in Kelimutu has its own myth. The Blue Lake is known as Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo Fai, a gathering place for the souls of people who have died. The Red Lake is called Tiwu Ata Polo, a gathering of deceased human souls which during their life always committing crimes. Finally, there is the White Lake or Tiwu Ata Mbupu, the place of the souls of the elderly.

Uniquely, it turns out that the three colors of the Kelimutu are not always the same and unpredictable. Sometimes it can be green, black and blue. From the scientific side, this is caused by the mineral content, moss as well as the rocks inside the crater and the influence of sunlight.

Kelimutu name itself turns out to have a special meaning. “Keli” means mountain while the word “Mutu” means boiling.

Accommodation and Facilities


kelimutu lake accomodation and facility

Credit: Flores-Indonesia

Moni is the only one village which is closed to this lake, visitors who come to visit this lake can be stay overnight at this village before do hike to the lake.

In this area, you can find a variety of lodging accommodations with relatively cheap and affordable prices. Not only that, in this area you can also find many food sellers that are devoted to tourists who want to know Kelimutu Lake tourism.